Mia Hall ’27
I personally really like advisory because it gives me time to reset before the last period of the day, and I can work on assignments that I need to do before the last class if I do not have directed study that day. I would like them to add it to the morning so school can start 15 minutes later.
Hugo Komaransky ’26
I feel like many students don’t do many things in advisory, kind of like a waste of time. Instead I feel that more lunch time should be added during those 15 minutes, and we have it once a week on Wednesday. I feel that it would be better if we also added this time towards our directed study, so students with a lot of homework could finish it earlier and not have to worry because 15 minutes can make an impact. It can also simply be removed from the schedule.
Ana Wanderley ’26
I think advisory is an important time during the day. After three long classes and lunch, students usually want a time to be able to socialize or have a break with their own thoughts. Advisory is a great time for that because during advisory, there are activities that help with socializing, being alone with your thoughts, and relaxing. Although it is only 15 minutes, it can help students have a moment and cool down from all their other classes. This also helps a lot with the last period of the day. Usually students are tired by then and don’t want to do work, or just aren’t in the mood to do anything. The 15 minutes of advisory helps with that so students are up and ready for their last period of the day. On Wednesdays, advisory lasts an hour. During these periods of advisory, students can catch up on homework, do an activity, or sometimes have an assembly at the gym with everyone. Advisory is useful on Wednesdays because the school doesn’t have to cut out time from our day to have assemblies.
Mila Meiser ’27
I’m not sure why we have advisory every day at the Upper School. Having to sit in a room full of silence for such a short amount of time is honestly a waste. Additionally, we never discuss any important topics in this class time, and this time can be used differently. For example, 15 minutes of extra rest in the morning. Advisory is the same thing as directed study, and we don’t need additional time. If we were taught valuable lessons, like advisory at the Academy, then our time would be spent better.
Sienna Connell ’27
I like the fact that we have advisory everyday because it feels like a break that is necessary every day from being tired from such a long day. However I feel that just 15 minutes is too short of a time because the second I get into class I feel like I am just leaving a second after just sitting down. I think it is important to have a longer advisory so we have a better and longer break to just relax and do some activities. On Wednesdays, I think advisory is the right amount of time so that we are able to do some activities and take a break from all the really long periods of learning.
David Ernsberger ’26
I think that advisory is unnecessary in the school day. The reason it was put into the schedule in the first place was to be a time when students can talk to other people about their well-being, or a bit of time to do fun activities. However, most students will tell you that they almost never interact. Advisory’s current state is 15 minutes of wasted time that could be distributed five minutes each to the rest of the classes of the day, or better yet, even more lunch time. Advisory does not do its job well, and has to be removed from the day entirely. The occasional assembly on some Wednesdays can be its own thing, not the reason for another hour wasted without an assembly.