HIP Presents Health Lessons to Freshmen Classes
The Health Information Project, better known as HIP, recommenced for the 2021-2022 school year on Monday, Oct. 17. The objective being peer to peer teaching of health education.
October 28, 2022
The Health Information Project, better known as HIP, began its presentations to freshmen classes on Monday, Oct. 17. The team’s objective was to provide peer health education.
“This is my second year in the HIP program. Seeing the many enthusiastic Peer Health Educators (PHE’s) this year, I am optimistic that we will have a great year and that we will be able to educate many freshmen,“ said HIP president, Isabella Bonifasi.
High school juniors and seniors have been hard at work preparing for their first lesson. After two lengthy meetings, students went to freshmen DS classes to teach about multiple subjects including the importance of sleep, staying up to date on vaccines, coping with stressful situations, and identifying the individuals who can provide emotional and physical support on campus.
“I was very excited to teach for the first time. It is a lot of responsibility, but I am happy to know that I was able to successfully teach my first lesson and that I was able to create a safe environment for the freshmen students,” said PHE Fernanda Mazariegos.
Not only were the HIP PHEs thrilled to begin, but so were the freshmen who were very receptive to the first lesson.
“I was unsure what HIP was at first, but after having my first lesson I feel that it was able to give me a lot of useful information. Since it is my first year in highschool, I am also very happy that I was able to meet upperclassmen that I can go to if I need any help,“ freshman Sophia Kingston said.
There will be seven more sessions throughout the year. As the year continues, PHEs hope to continue making an impact on the ninth grade students.
“I am looking forward to future lessons. I am very content that I have the ability to continue making a positive effect on each of my students,” PHE Victoria Moya said.