Your Voice Matters
Youth Era just revealed its new website,, during National Suicide Prevention Month. USA/MCT Campus The site offers articles dealing with youth empowerment and support.
September 9, 2019
As students return to school after an extra long Labor Day weekend, a more serious focus begins– suicide awareness. September has been globally recognized as Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month, and has been met with overflowing affection, especially on social media.
Students and celebrities alike write or repost about the importance of this month, some of the most popular campaigns reading, “the number one obstacle in prevention is silence,” and “it’s okay not to be okay.”
Many social media influencers as well as people in our community have reached out and urged people to be nice to others, say “hi” in the hallways, and never bully or discriminate. After all, you never know what other people are going through. Even the slightest gesture can make a real impact in someone else’s life.
Our staff agrees. Our personal mission at TRV is to provide a safe space to share your ideas, concerns and feelings. We want to be a place where you feel included and comfortable. At the very least, be a supportive source where you can share your “voice” on campus.
Many in our community have experienced the devastating effects of suicide. Let us remain aware and compassionate.
As a staff we would like to come together and promote kindness. We want to provide stories that matter to you — our reader. Stories that feature students, spread love, and directly affect you. Our truth in our time.
To send a letter to the editor please click the “Letters to the Editor” link on the top right corner of our homepage and share your voice. Also, leave comments on stories and tag us on Instagram and Twitter. We want to hear your voice!