Kate Brewer

Kate Brewer during her stay at the Biltmore estate in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC.

Kate Brewer

“My New Year’s resolution is to try more food. I plan on going to new restaurants and eating different types of food to achieve my goal. I haven’t exposed myself to many different types of food and I would like to expand my knowledge of other cultures as well. My friends and family are helping to keep me going and trying more things. For example, I will eat new food at my friends’ houses. My brother has been really great at helping me try new foods because he used to be very picky. Once he started trying new foods and liking them, he realized how delicious food can be and he wants to share that with me. I think a lot of people give up on their New Year’s resolution because their expectations are too high. They start the year really motivated but they set unattainable goals. Over time, motivation starts to decrease and people give up on their resolutions. I have given up on mine in the past because I think to myself, “There is always next year.” I am really committed to my resolution this year and hope to have a well-rounded diet by the end of this year.”

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