Advisory’s Move to the Afternoon
Students participate in a math class while adjusting to the new school schedule.
August 31, 2022
Returning Upper School students saw a change in their schedules, with Advisory moving to the afternoon as opposed to the early morning. The move has some students wondering why.
“Advisory was changed so that students could have the same start times, given that seniors are not assigned to advisory. Also, the types of conversations we sometimes want to have in advisory are difficult to have first thing in the morning,” said Tyrone Sandaal
Students had the opportunity to play a role in choosing their advisory teacher. Students chose from a variety of teachers across all subjects, with whom they shared a similar interest.
“It was nice to be able to pick a teacher that had similar interest to me because we can talk about it during an advisory. We can discuss fun topics that we don’t have time for in class,” junior Eli Paresky said.
The Advisory period offers students an opportunity to discuss topics or engage in in-depth conversations. Having the time for Advisory in the afternoon avoids issues such as students arriving late or feeling tired.
“I think advisory being incorporated into the class schedule is a great way of keeping attendance and participation in check. However, I do think a lot of students chose their advisors solely on who the person was and not the interest of said teacher, making it difficult for the kids who actually picked based on interest,” junior Claire Russell said.