Cuban Actor Pedro Moreno Speaks at Miller Campus on Escaping Cuba, Making a Life in the US

Nevis Calderin

Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Don Lawrence, along with faculty members Nelvis Calderin and Christine Acosta pose for a photo with Pedro Moreno after his presentation at the Miller Drive Campus. Both students and faculty appreciated the opportunity to meet Moreno and hear his story.

Ethan Melendi, Sports Editor

This past Friday, Cuban actor and model Pedro Moreno spoke at the Upper School Miller Campus in conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month, about his experience escaping the Cuban Communist government.

Cuban actor Pedro Moreno visited the Miller Campus as a guest speaker on Sept. 16, telling the story of how he escaped from Cuba as well as delivering a message to the students about gratitude. (Nelvis Calderin)

Moreno’s message was one of gratitude, encouraging students to reflect on the benefits of living in a free, democratic country. He also encouraged students to take advantage of opportunities in order to succeed.

Moreno, born in Cuba, escaped the island on a raft, with only the clothes on his back and the food that was left in his stomach. Moreno quickly had to make a life for himself in the United States, becoming an actor for several telenovelas on Spanish TV channels, like Telemundo.

In his presentation, Moreno described his childhood in Cuba and how he was initially naive as to the problems and lack of freedom in his home country. “Brainwashing,” said Moreno,  “that’s how they kept us in the dark.”

It wasn’t until much later that Moreno figured out that the Communist system was actually destroying the country he loved, instead of bringing it together. 

“[Moreno’s] speech was very inspiring,” said senior Nicholas Blackburn. “Oftentimes I take what I have for granted. I won’t make that mistake again.”