Seniors celebrate 100 days until graduation with the Gulliver Alumni Association
Senior Zane Bataineh and Dean of Faculty Hank Langston hold their respective class flags on stage during the 100 Days Ceremony. Seniors gathered in the blue dungeon to celebrate 100 days until graduation. After the ceremony, the Alumni Association distributed blankets to all the seniors. Photo by Lara Russell-Lasalandra.
February 21, 2019
Seniors celebrated the 100 Days Ceremony hosted by the Gulliver Alumni Association in the blue dungeon on Feb. 20.Guest speakers discussed their life after high school and how their experience here shaped their lives moving forward. They gave general guiding advice to help seniors as they take their next step. Alumni Shane Vernon spoke about his career in film production after he graduated from the University of Miami and the importance of choice.
“This is the first time in your life you have been presented with real choices. The choices you make right now and for the next four years will dictate your life for the next thirty,” said Vernon.
Senior Zane Bataineh and alumni and Dean of Faculty Hank Langston held their class flags side by side. Langston, a member of the first graduating class of Gulliver, held the class flag of 1977. Bataineh represented the graduating class of 2019.
“I enjoyed the ceremony and I can’t wait to graduate,” senior Kristian Zedan said.
Senior Carly Wood gave a brief speech before dismissing students to retrieve their senior blankets. The Alumni Association hands out senior blankets every year to commemorate the newest members of the alumni community.
“When I found out that the 100 Days Ceremony was coming up, I was really excited to receive my blanket! My friends got them last year and I remember how happy they were to finally be graduating. I understand their excitement now that I have my own blanket in my hands,” senior Nicole Nixon said.