Gulliver Glows in 2018 Blacklight Pep Rally

Lara Russell-Lasalandra

All grades were aglow on Sept. 26 as students participated in the spirited blacklight pep rally. The Pep Band and the Sundancers kicked off the festivities at center court. The Sundancers’ blue and white performance got everyone on their feet. The lights went out, but the band played on. The room lit up as their instruments began to glow.

Representatives from each grade competed against one another in various glow-in-the-dark activities. First, students bowled using a neon basketball and brightly colored water bottles. Then, students played speed tic-tac-toe where they raced to get three in a row using oversized tee-shirts. The last student event for the pep rally was tail tag, a fun twist on flag football. Students attached a yellow or pink ribbon to their back then tried to stomp on others’ “tails” until one victor remained. The pep rally ended with students holding up their phone flashlights in one last act of school spirit.


Video by Lara Russell-Lasalandra