In “The Red Sparrow,” Jennifer Lawrence plays a Russian ballerina that after breaking her leg, turns into a spy. In the middle of a modern Cold War, the protagonist, Dominika Egorova, must navigate the treacherous world of the “Sparrows.” An elite, secret group controlled by the government, the Sparrows teach capable men and women the art of seduction and betrayal. Dominika must use these skills to succeed in her mission to survive.
The movie contains elements typical of a Cold War drama: a tragic back-story, numerous double crosses, and a twist ending. Using a modern setting, “The Red Sparrow” tries to refurbish the genre into something new and refreshing. However, it falls flat. The whole plot revolves around a brilliant, driven female agent, yet because of the acting and dialog, all scenes feel cold and detached.
Visually, the movie blends shots together, making it difficult to distinguish scenes from one another. Although this may be intentional, it should not be challenging for the viewers to differentiate different cities like London or Vienna.
All in all, “The Red Sparrow” is mediocre. It is not terrible, but definitely not compelling enough to be labeled good.