In response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, president Donald Trump invited a group of students, families, and school board directors to gather and discuss concerns regarding recent shootings and poor gun control laws in the United States. The reunion included emotional stories, as well as offering ideas for possible solutions regarding gun control and security procedures in schools.
This event gave the country a different view of political beliefs by opening a free space where everyone could add their own thoughts, concerns, and solutions on issues that are affecting our society. Even though the Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School shooting in Parkland happened one week before the president adressed the issue, they still reacted quickly and agreed to discuss such important and crucial events with citizens.
In other countries like Venezuela where shootings might
not be the main problem, and lack of medicine, security, food, and essential needs for survival are major daily dilemmas, having the government agree to open a space in their agenda to welcome other political leaders and young is not even an option. Instead, the Venezuelan government doesn’t listen to the victims of the problems that are becoming unmanageable for them. It’s frustrating to really want to help your country by protesting and claiming your voice, when they don’t let you.
United States citizens have the opportunity and luck to have a voice and be listened by the government; the ones that can only solve these issues. As citizens, you have the right to petition your government, and your opinions and concerns about your security — that must be available every second of your life — are taken into account. I was happy to see that students, parents
and school faculty affected by gun violence were given the opportunity to speak their concerns directly to the president. Since the shooting in Parkland, FL, more groups have expressed their concerns and have gathered at both the state and
national level. This is a very precious right to have, and, more importantly, the government allows freedom of expression, no matter what your beliefs may be.
Other people in different countries are not being listened by their presidents because they believe that the problem is being solved, when it isn’t; and people are still dying of hunger or illness because they have no medicines or the necessary tools to make treatments work.
Probably for the first time the country’s concerns and beliefs are turned toward the same issue: gun control. This is a serious situation that affects everyone. If you care about making a difference, and want your leaders to listen to you, then don’t miss the chance of stopping this. Remember, you’re lucky. You have the chance that many other people desire. Embrace your democracy and freedom of speech, it’s beyond valuable.