The “Dish Out Kindness Event” will be taking place during advisory time and both lunch periods on Feb. 28 in the Judith Davidson Atrium.
The sandwiches will be delivered to Miami Rescue Mission and to the Homestead Soup Kitchen. The drive provides a chance for everyone to participate and give back to the community.
“The idea behind this event is to show love for our community,” Activities Director Celina Sosa said. “All students are more than welcome to participate in the sandwich drive.”
Students are able to sign up with their club or organization by speaking with a coach, club director, or faculty member to reserve a table with their group. With a total of 15 clubs already signed up and many more expected, students should make sure to speak to a faculty member to prevent missing out on joining their club table.

A google form was sent out by Sosa for club sponsors to reserve their tables. For students to secure a spot for themselves to join a table, they are advised to email Ms. Sosa at, and get in touch with club directors.
“As a director of the ASL (American Sign Language) Club, I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are all excited to be able to get together as a group and be able to make such an impact on our community,” said academic resource program teacher and ASL Club Sponsor Myrna Reyes.
In previous years, according to Sosa, participants made around 2,000 sandwiches, while this year’s goal will be 3,000 sandwiches. Community service hours are being given for donations of ingredients for the event: components such as sunbutter, sandwich bread, jam, and sealable sandwich bags are helpful contributions, and will earn students one community service hour per four items. To attain more information, look for the posters around campus.
“I saw the flyers for the drive in the ARP rooms and I thought it was a very rewarding event,” freshman Mikayla Brown said. “I think it is super cool to be able to join a tradition at Gulliver for such a good cause.”