Trying New Foods

April 6, 2023

Vicky Moya

Strawberries are very popular in Japan due to locally grown one’s being redder and sweeter than their international counterparts. This market sells them in a marketplace located next to the Buddhist Senso-Ji temple.

Traveling to Japan and South Korea presented students with a culinary experience; from traditional Japanese sushi to Korea’s bulgogi (a traditional beef stew), students tried new foods that are not common in Miami.

“I grew to love red bean paste a lot in Japan and South Korea, which I had never tried in the States. I had no idea it even existed and trying it was my favorite thing,” said junior Victoria Moya.

Throughout the trip, Moya’s impressions of Japanese culture and foods changed as she tried new dishes.

“I feel like I already knew what Japanese food was like based off of what we have here in Miami but going to Japan, it was a really pleasant surprise realizing this wasn’t true,” said Moya.

Every night, students experienced a different traditional dinner as a group. One of the most memorable nights according to sophomore Mathew Li was when the group had to cook their own food.

“There was a pot of chicken and vegetables and we were in charge of deciding whether or not it was cooked. It tasted really good,” said Li.

Along with scheduled meals, students ventured into different streets and markets complete with street food throughout the day.

“Eating in the Korean market was unique because the food I ate was cooked by two people in a small stall so instead of getting the feeling of eating at a restaurant it felt more personal than that,” said junior Edward Whipple.

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